I can already tell that Future Me is going to look back on these pages and complain that the pacing is all wrong and we should have already gotten a big, climactic view of Stilez fighting the food monster again and all that… but right now, in the heat of the moment, I’m finding Cap’n Crosby getting repeatedly hit with things strangely hilarious.  I make no excuses, I only offer explanations.

Speaking of which, THIS page is a bit late, isn’t it?  Sorry about that.  I’ve been making the horrible, HORRIBLE mistake of actually going outside more over the past week, and every time I do I come back with a little bit more pollen jamming up my head.  Last night, the contents of my sinuses felt… well, not unlike what we’re seeing in this page, actually.  Man, I really outdid myself in making an absolutely GROSS glob of color for this page, didn’t I?

EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is finally up!